The 3% Pay Increase You Get On July 1 is not a Gift. Your Union Won That Increase for You in Collective Barganing.

This past Monday marked the first day of July, a new month. It also marks a new fiscal year for State of Iowa agencies and employees. It also means all covered employees will receive a 3% wage increase from a collectively bargained contract between AFSCME Council 61 and the State of Iowa. IT IS NOT A COST-OF-LIVING INCREASE, YOUR UNION NEGOIATIED THAT WAGE.

In December 2020 we attempted to get covered employees a 6% wage increase, but that request was countered with a 3% offer. The Policy Council agreed to take a 4% request that I had made to the State as a last counter, it too was rejected.

You don’t see the nuts and bolts of our work, and that is fine. But, Local 3450 and Council 61 are still working hard for you.

Something new I am exploring is the creation of Peer Coaches. Union members who coach and mentor their peers in maintaining a high level of workplace performance and increase the opportunities for career advancement. Over the next few weeks, I will share more about this idea.

Our next meeting is July 18 at 5:30 pm. I’ll be sending a meeting notice out in the next 10 days. Have a great weekend and stay safe. - Scott


Local 3450 Plans Legislative Panel for 2024 Legislative Session.